Reunião Periódica [RP01]

Os ajustes do seu caminho até a Residência Médica


1º Reunião Periódica - 05/02/2024

Nesta reunião periódica, apresentamos uma visão abrangente do que esperar e como se preparar para o ano com o Time MH. Aqui estão os destaques:

  1. Apresentação do Time MH: Começamos com as boas-vindas do nosso dedicado time, compartilhando a missão e visão do MedHunter e como cada membro da equipe contribuirá para o seu sucesso.
  2. O Início da Jornada: Discutimos as reflexões e cuidados essenciais para iniciar o ano letivo com qualidade. Abordamos a importância de estabelecer metas claras, entender os desafios que virão e como superá-los com as estratégias certas.
  3. O Estudo Primário com Qualidade: Entramos em detalhes sobre como realizar o Estudo Primário de maneira eficaz, passando pelo passo a passo, os pontos de alerta e os cuidados necessários. O objetivo é maximizar seu retorno acadêmico, enfatizando áreas que requerem maior foco.
  4. Sessão de Tira Dúvidas: O momento foi dedicado a esclarecer dúvidas específicas sobre o Estudo Primário, organização do cronograma e aspectos da revisão.

Esta reunião é um componente chave para esclarecer quaisquer dúvidas e oferecer orientação estratégica para o início de sua preparação. Ela oferece uma base sólida de conhecimento e estratégias essenciais para quem está trilhando o caminho rumo à residência médica. Agora, disponível na plataforma.

Como nos estudantes avaliam nosso curso


(Baseado nas avaliações 0)


Transcript from the "Introduction" Lesson

Course Overview [00:00:00]

My name is John Deo and I work as human duct tape at Gatsby, that means that I do a lot of different things. Everything from dev roll to writing content to writing code. And I used to work as an architect at IBM. I live in Portland, Oregon.

Introduction [00:00:16]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Why Take This Course? [00:00:37]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

A Look at the Demo Application [00:00:54]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Summary [00:01:31]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Course - Frequently Asked Questions

How this course help me to design layout?

My name is Jason Woo and I work as human duct tape at Gatsby, that means that I do a lot of different things. Everything from dev roll to writing content to writing code. And I used to work as an architect at IBM. I live in Portland, Oregon.

What is important of this course?

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Why Take This Course?

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Is able to create application after this course?

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Reunião Periódica [RP01]


Programa MedHunter

5.0Avaliação do Curso
Número de Estudantes
Video Aulas

Somos um grupo focado em instruir alunos para aprovação na Residência Médica nas melhores instituições do país através de um estudo de alta performance.