Reunião Periódica [RP03]

Os ajustes do seu caminho até a Residência Médica


Nesta reunião, abordamos dois temas importantes para auxiliar na preparação eficaz para a Residência Médica.

  • Medcof: Organização e Estratégia no Estudo Primário

Nossa discussão inicial foca nos alunos do Medcof, com o objetivo de otimizar a organização semanal e a priorização de matérias. Entendemos que, mais do que apenas eliminar atrasos, é vital adotar estratégias inteligentes que garantam o estudo de qualidade das matérias pendentes e atuais. Abordamos técnicas para organizar sua semana, definir prioridades no estudo primário e assimilar eficazmente qualquer conteúdo ainda não estudado.

  • Calendário Macro: Estratégias para um Planejamento Anual Efetivo

Em seguida, dedicamos atenção ao Calendário Macro, estruturando um plano anual que contempla os eventos mais significativos. Nosso foco foi sobre a organização de pontos para o currículo, trabalho, provas e simulados, além da sincronização com o término do cursinho, assegurando que você chegue ao final do ano livre de pendências.


Esta reunião foi feita para fornecer aos alunos do Medcof e a todos que buscam uma preparação eficaz para a residência médica, estratégias claras e organizadas de estudo. Por meio da organização detalhada do Calendário Macro e da aplicação de táticas focadas para o Medcof, pretendemos equipá-lo com as ferramentas necessárias para uma jornada sólida, maximizando seu rendimento e eficiência.

Acesso Disponível!

Está pronto para elevar sua preparação ao próximo nível? A reunião já está disponível na plataforma, aguardando por você!

Assista e a implemente as estratégias discutidas, garantindo um planejamento direcionado e eficiente.

Como nos estudantes avaliam nosso curso


(Baseado nas avaliações 0)


Transcript from the "Introduction" Lesson

Course Overview [00:00:00]

My name is John Deo and I work as human duct tape at Gatsby, that means that I do a lot of different things. Everything from dev roll to writing content to writing code. And I used to work as an architect at IBM. I live in Portland, Oregon.

Introduction [00:00:16]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Why Take This Course? [00:00:37]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

A Look at the Demo Application [00:00:54]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Summary [00:01:31]

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Course - Frequently Asked Questions

How this course help me to design layout?

My name is Jason Woo and I work as human duct tape at Gatsby, that means that I do a lot of different things. Everything from dev roll to writing content to writing code. And I used to work as an architect at IBM. I live in Portland, Oregon.

What is important of this course?

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Why Take This Course?

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Is able to create application after this course?

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

We'll dive into GraphQL, the fundamentals of GraphQL. We're only gonna use the pieces of it that we need to build in Gatsby. We're not gonna be doing a deep dive into what GraphQL is or the language specifics. We're also gonna get into MDX. MDX is a way to write React components in your markdown.

Reunião Periódica [RP03]


Programa MedHunter

5.0Avaliação do Curso
Número de Estudantes
Video Aulas

Somos um grupo focado em instruir alunos para aprovação na Residência Médica nas melhores instituições do país através de um estudo de alta performance.